
Top 6 Features to Have in an On-demand Logistic Application

Logistics industry has more uncertainty as delivery time can be affected by a lot of factors like vehicle failure, drivers speed, accidents, natural calamities, road closure, heavy traffic and what not. To bring a little bit of more clarity to this, a logistics mobile app is the best solution. An ideal on-demand logistics app has features that will help clear all the above said problems. Here are a few of them that you must add to make your app the best of all.

1. Optimized Routes

Well, delivery guys would not know all the best routes to the assigned destinations. In this case, it will take more time to deliver the product, resulting in more usage of fuel. Also, it is possible that delivery might get delayed. And customers are not going to appreciate late deliveries. The best solution to save the delivery guy from all the mess is offering them pre-planned routes. So during on-demand logistics app development, the feature of pre-planned route can be added so that it will show the delivery guy the shortest path to the destination. Also, it will show routes that have less traffic so that they would not get stuck. This feature saves a lot of things as discussed above. In addition, such a feature works as a wonder for a delivery guy who is new to the city.

2. GPS

GPS is the must have feature for any logistics mobile app development. It is important to track the delivery time and to determine the number of deliveries that can be conducted. It will show the actual location of the delivery person, product tracking, route of the delivery guy, etc.

3. Fare Calculation

This feature is mostly overlooked during the development and then adding a separate component to calculate will add cost to the budget and if not synced properly can lead to mismanagement of parcels. The fare calculator will calculate the price based on the weight of the package.

It also includes the other costs that include the vehicle delivery cost, time cost, pickup, destination address, etc. Thus, taking care of this feature during the logistics mobile app development process will eliminate the need for an additional system to do the same task and save yourself from the extra cost.

4. Real-time Notifications

Real-time alerts can save the company from troubles if decisions are taken on time. This feature in the logistics delivery app will alert or notify the concerned department. It will streamline the tracking and monitoring process. The feature will notify about the status of vehicle and parcel, delivery locations, emergencies, wrong deliveries, unable to deliver, etc. to the company to manage the dynamics in a better way and have an eye on all the process.

5. Driver’s Log

Now all the logistic business depends on the driver. The time your parcel will reach the destination depends on the driving speed of the driver. Initially, companies had no idea on where they had reached, delivered the package or not. And due to these reasons, it was difficult to find the exact time it took to deliver the parcel. This feature will allow drivers to add their log hours for which they drove, the breaks that they took, time spent for the delivery, number of deliveries, etc. Thus, this data will give the company more idea on how much time goes behind the delivery. 

6. Find the Essential Nearby

Companies tend to ignore this feature during the on-demand logistics app development process. There are times when drivers get stuck as they are out of fuel, or want to take a rest at night at some rest house or need to visit a garage as there is some issue in the engine. The main player in logistics delivery is the driver. It is the company’s duty to ensure they have a facility that informs them about all the essentials while traveling. So during any emergencies, they do not have to worry about it, they can just simply check it on the app. They will know how far that place is and whether they will be able to reach there or not.


The logistics app must simplify the task of the business owner as well the drivers that run thousands of miles to deliver the package. So giving them facilities like an optimized route and GPS tracker will show them the paths so that they do not have to spend time finding the place. The fare calculator and drivers log will give a better idea to the business on the correct figures so that they can set the right price. To add more functionalities to your app, you can add features like essential nearby and chatbot for driver’s convenience.


Maulik Shah is the CEO of BiztechCS, a logistics app development from India. Maulik likes to explore beyond his comfort zone. When it comes to writing for the blog, his contribution is priceless. No one else on the team can bring the deep industry knowledge to articles that he has. However, his door is always open and he is generous with sharing that knowledge.

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