Treat Your Dental Issue with an Oral Surgeon
Oral Surgeon
A specialist in oral surgery, an oral surgeon犀利士
can remove wisdom teeth that are impacted, extract teeth that are difficult to pull, place dental implants, do bone grafting, and much more. An oral and maxillofacial surgeon performs surgery on the mouth, jaw, and face.
A periodontist, often known as a gum specialist, operates on the gums and supporting bones for your teeth. After dental school, oral surgeons and periodontists must complete an additional three to four years of study.
Difference Between Dentist and Oral Surgeon
Even while a general dentist can do straightforward tooth extractions, more complex surgeries could be beyond the scope of their training.
Special education is required for treating various disorders affecting the face, mouth, and jaw by oral and maxillofacial surgeons. When a patient has an issue beyond the purview of a general dentist’s training, they are often referred to an oral surgeon. Wisdom teeth are among the simple and complex teeth that oral surgeons remove. They also help those who have been in accidents and need reconstructive dental work. Oral surgeons can also do soft tissue biopsies, tumor excision, jaw realignment surgery, soft tissue healing, and implant implantation.
What Happens Before Oral Surgery?
Our oral surgeon in Ontario will conduct a thorough examination to look at your teeth, gums, jaw joints, and supporting structures. They will also take dental X-rays and scans to gain a clear image of your teeth roots, jawbone, nerves, and other crucial oral landmarks. They’ll create a custom treatment plan based on this information.
What Occurs During an Oral Procedure?
Oral surgery may occasionally be carried out as an outpatient operation in a dental office. For comfort, your surgeon can recommend nitrous oxide, oral medicines, or mild or profound intravenous (IV) sedation. In other situations, general anesthesia may be used to perform oral surgery in a hospital.
How Much Time Does Oral Surgery Require?
How long the procedure takes depends on the kind of oral surgery you’re having, how many teeth are being worked on, and if you choose sedation. A simple procedure, like tooth extraction, typically takes 30 minutes, whereas a more involved one, like corrective jaw surgery, typically takes two to three hours.
What Occurs Following Oral Surgery?
You’ll receive thorough post-operative instructions after your oral surgery operation. You must strictly adhere to these instructions to lower your risk of bleeding, infection, and other problems.
What Is Oral Surgery?
Any procedure done on your teeth, gums, jaw, or nearby oral and face structures is called oral surgery. It covers several procedures: corrective jaw surgery, periodontal (gum) grafts, dental bone grafts, and tooth extractions.
Different Types of Dental Surgery near Me
Here are different types of oral surgeons near me in Ontario. Numerous oral surgical procedures performed each year. The most common operations are tooth extraction, dental bone grafts, dental implants, periodontal surgery, corrective jaw surgery, sleep apnea surgery, and cleft lip and palate repair.
Tooth Extraction
One of the most common oral surgery procedures is tooth extraction (tooth removal). An extraction may suggested if you have severe tooth decay, gum disease (periodontitis), dental trauma, or problems with your wisdom teeth. Having some of your teeth extracted could necessary to prepare for dentures or other prosthetic devices.
Dental Bone Graft
When bone loss has occurred in your jaw, you will require a dental bone graft. There are a few potential causes for this. The roots of your natural teeth activate the jaw’s nerves when they are present. This tells your brain to feed your jaw nutritious nutrients to maintain strength. Long-term tooth loss can cause bone degradation in the region because no roots stimulate the nerves. The volume and density of your jawbone restored via a dental bone graft so dental implants can inserted later.
Dental Implants
Most agree that dental implants are the most reliable and durable tooth replacement option. These minute threaded posts placed into your jaw to replace missing tooth roots. They made of the highest-grade zirconia or titanium. After healing, implants can repaired with dental crowns, bridges, or dentures.
Periodontal Surgery
A gum expert may suggest you seek gum disease treatment if you have moderate or severe periodontitis. During this procedure, incisions formed along your gum line, and the gum tissue briefly pushed away from your teeth. Then, when they clean the tooth roots, the surgeon will drain away the plaque and bacteria that have amassed under your gums. Finally, sutures used to restore and secure the gum tissue.
Gum recession can occasionally caused by periodontitis. Occasionally, a gum transplant may required. Your surgeon will maintain the missing tissue with donor tissue during this procedure. This tissue can obtained from the roof of your mouth or purchased from an authorized tissue bank.
Corrective Jaw Surgery
Orthognathic surgery, also called corrective jaw surgery, addresses problems with the jaw bones’ skeletal structure. It may suggested to use this technique to improve chewing efficiency, correct misalignments, and balance face abnormalities. Corrective jaw surgery routinely performed to treat TMJ dysfunction-related pain (TMD).
Sleep Apnea Surgery
Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that occurs when the tissues in the back of your throat contract and block your airway while you are sleeping (OSA). Conservative therapies for OSA, such as oral appliance therapy or a CPAP machine, can occasionally be successful. However, in severe cases, dental surgery may required.
Cleft Lip and Palate Repair
A newborn with a cleft lip has damage to the top lip, whereas a newborn with a cleft palate has a separation in the roof of the mouth. Some newborns are born with both conditions. Cleft lip and palate occur when the facial features do not fully develop in the uterus (womb). Oral and maxillofacial surgeons routinely perform cleft lip and palate surgery to restore average feeding ability and help a child establish acceptable speech patterns.
Benefits of Oral Surgery Near Me
Here are some benefits of oral surgery near me in London Ontario such as
Achieve Long-Term Tooth Replacement
Patients with missing teeth have a range of choices for treating tooth loss. If you decide on a bridge or denture, you will replace the tooth’s crown (which is located above the gum line) but not the roots. Our device might last for a long, but eventually, it will need to replaced, and it will also need to fixed occasionally. A dental implant and restoration used to replace the entire tooth when replacing a tooth through oral surgery to provide a dependable and long-lasting solution.
Prevent Significant Damage
Periodically, you could need oral surgery to address a developing problem. This implies that jawbone degradation will worsen if it not treated. Fortunately, bone grafting can utilized to replace the missing tissue and stop the condition from getting worse and causing significant damage.
Address The Problem
A further advantage of oral surgery near me is that we can treat the underlying issue harming your oral health rather than just treating the symptom. For instance, we might undertake jaw surgery to realign your jaws to correct the issue rather than recommending that you take painkillers and manage jaw difficulties.
Oral Surgeon Near Me
If you are looking for the best oral surgery near me in Ontario. Our dental surgeon at wonderland dental in Ontario is best for you.