Non-Nicotine E-Liquid
There’s a strong probability that you’ve largely ignored the availability of nicotine-free e-liquid for practically as long as you’ve been a vaper. If you consume nicotine, which almost all vapers do. You may have said to yourself, “It’s great that some individuals can use nicotine-free vape juice. But that’ll never be me.” However, we’re going to provide you with some food for thought in this post that might make you reconsider. Even if you don’t believe you’ll ever be a nicotine-free vaper, there are really a number of benefits to purchasing nicotine-free e-liquid.
Always the first e-liquid to go on sale is nicotine-free
The fact that you can always locate the best prices on nicotine-free e-liquid is possibly the most crucial fact to understand. Knowing how vape stores operate will allow you to comprehend why that is the case. A vape shop needs to stock the greatest range of eliquid UK brands, flavors, and nicotine concentrations in order to satisfy as many clients as possible. Despite the fact that you may not personally prefer nicotine-free e-liquid, many vapers do. In that a small number of products are significant sellers on their own, operating a vape shop is somewhat similar to operating a sizable e-commerce site like Amazon.
Therefore, stocking as many things as you can so that you have what customers desire when they locate your store is the key to success. The issue with attempting to stock a little bit of everything, though, is that you’ll always have a few items that don’t sell out before they go bad. Although nicotine-free eliquid UK is more popular than you may realize, it typically sells out last among the various nicotine strengths of a given product. Due to this, the first nicotine strength to be on sale is always nicotine-free e-liquid. A few events could lead to the sale of the whole inventory of a single product or a line of e-liquid.
- The printed expiration date of the e-liquid stock is about to pass.
- The e-manufacturer liquid changed the packaging’s appearance.
- A specific product now goes by a different name.
In each of the aforementioned scenarios. Retailers have a strong incentive to sell off their remaining inventory as soon as possible. When this happens, amazing prices will become available. Since you don’t purchase nicotine-free e-liquid, you might be asking what this has to do with you at this point. Because nicotine-free e-liquid blends well with other liquids, it should be important to you when it goes on sale.
Simply combine one part of nicotine-free e-liquid with an equal amount at double your typical nicotine intensity to create a bottle of e-liquid with your preferred nicotine level. You may take advantage of sales and enjoy the same amount of vape juice at a much-reduced cost by using this mixing approach. That’s just one example of how the art of blending can make nicotine-free e-liquid a crucial component of your vaping arsenal. What other uses could nicotine-free e-liquid have for you? It turns out that mixing is also a factor in the other two explanations..
E-liquid Without Nicotine Allows You to Create Custom Nicotine Strengths
A further advantageous feature of nicotine-free e-liquid is. That it can be used to create e-liquids with nicotine strengths that aren’t often offered in stores. If you have a potent sub-ohm vaping setup, this will be especially important to you. Do you have any experience with sub-ohm vape tanks? If so, you may recall that sub-ohm tanks were far less potent back then than they are now. However, it’s possible that the nicotine content of your e-liquid has not changed. As you’ve improved your vaping apparatus over time. Are you certain that, despite how effective your present vaping. The setup probably is, you still need an e-liquid with a nicotine content of 3 mg/ml? You may have been enjoying thicker and bigger vapor clouds with each purchase if you have been upgrading your vaping equipment with each new product generation.
You would likely barely notice if you slightly reduced the nicotine strength of your e-liquid. Although it’s difficult to find e-liquid with nicotine strengths lower than 3 mg/ml unless you buy nicotine-free e-liquid. You can build your own e-liquid with lower strength. Mixing one bottle of 3 mg/ml e-liquid with another bottle of nicotine-free e-liquid is a simple way to get started. You will then receive a bottle containing 1.5 mg/ml of nicotine. You’ll cut your nicotine intake in half. Given the robust vaping apparatus you’re using, you probably won’t have any trouble making the adjustment.
You Can Reduce Your Nicotine Consumption at Your Own Pace With Nicotine-Free E-Liquid
You can reduce your nicotine intake as much as gradually. As you’d like by combining regular e-liquid with nicotine-free e-liquid in various ratios. You might eventually find yourself reaching the point at which you can truly quit using nicotine completely. If you keep a meticulous record of the amounts you use when mixing and gradually lessen the nicotine strength. Not all e-cigarette users want to give up nicotine. You must decide for yourself. But if you do decide to go ahead with it. You’ll discover that the secret to making the operation absolutely pleasant is utilizing nicotine-free e-liquid as a mixer.