
What are the fastest-growing vegetables from seeds?

Summer is on its approach and many people are looking forward when it comes to establishing their vegetable garden. There are such countless choices, that it could be difficult to realize what to pick and whom to buy vegetable seeds on the web. When the warm weather starts coming, it’s hard not to get excited about getting outside and starting your garden. One of the first things you might think to do is to run to a local nursery and buy your favorite vegetable plants. Starting a garden by buying plants might seem like the easiest way to go, however, starting vegetables from seeds is a lot easier than one might think. The benefits can help give you a long and healthy garden throughout the season.

There are plenty of benefits to growing your food. It is cheap, rewarding, and lets you enjoy a fresh harvest of flavorful veggies at home. If you postpone your gardening plans because of a long harvesting period, then try growing these Fastest-Growing Vegetables in India!

People looking to cultivate their vegetable gardens in the shortest possible time can opt for seeds that do not need much time to germinate and mature. Fast-growing seeds can also be planted along with crops that take a long time to mature so that there is a continuous supply of fresh vegetables from your garden all year long.

A reputed Vegetable Seeds Company India stocks many fastest-growing vegetable seeds.

Some of the varieties have been discussed here.

  1. Arugula 

Arugula is commonly used as a salad vegetable. The seeds can be sown directly into the ground. Seedlings form between 7-14 days after the seeds are planted. The leaves are ready to harvest within 3-4 weeks. The soil should be rich in humus and well-drained. Arugula can be grown in container gardens because its roots are shallow.

  1. Radish 

Radish is a popular component of the vegetable diet and also grows very fast in your vegetable garden. Radish takes just about 3-4 weeks from planting to reach the harvest stage. The soil should be prepared well before planting radish seeds. The seeds should be spaced at least 2.5 cm from one another in the soil. Seedlings emerge within 3-5 days. The soil should be devoid of weeds and must be well watered in case of dry weather. The roots should be harvested before they become very large. Harvest the roots before they get too large when they can turn woody in texture and become overpoweringly hot.

  1. Cress 

Cress is a leafy vegetable with a peppery taste. It doesn’t require soil and grows rapidly. Cress can be grown in a shallow tray lined with paper towels. All you need to do is sprinkle the cress seeds into the tray and cover the tray with plastic wrap. Seedlings are formed within 2 days. The leaves can be harvested as their size reaches 2 inches. Cress can be grown all year round.

  1. Bush Beans 

Bush Beans take just 2 months from sowing to harvest. They can be sown after harvesting another crop because the pods would form before the end of the growing season. The seeds can be sown either directly into the ground soil or in potting soil. The seeds should be spaced 10-16 inches in the soil. Short bushy plants are formed which develop flowers and pods. Picking the pods regularly stimulates the plants to keep developing newer pods.

  1. Spinach 

Spinach can be used as a salad as well as in many dishes. It is also a very fast-growing vegetable taking just about a month from sowing to harvest. The seeds should be grown in rows with 30 cm space between the rows. The spacing between the seeds in a row should be 20 cm. The seeds should be planted in a shade and the soil must be kept moist to prevent the leaves from acquiring a bitter taste.

  1. Baby Carrots 

Baby Carrot is the correct variety for people wanting to grow carrots in their gardens quickly. Baby Carrots take just about 30 days to reach the harvest stage. The seeds can be planted on both grounds as well as in a container garden.

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