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Streamline Business Processes by Developing Enterprise App

In the current era, it is more than working harder. It is working smarter. Hence, it demands that the business create a solution that allows them to align business processes. For this, the best product is an enterprise app.

As you read the article below, you will gain insight into the basics of the solution, its features, and the advantages they provide to the business. These advantages will assist you to understand the reasons for many businesses embracing its development. Last, we will provide you with a list of steps that would come in handy if you are considering building such an app for your enterprise, highlighting the cost that would be incurred for this task.

So, without further adieu; let us begin.

Enterprise App – Introduction

In simple words, an enterprise app focuses on alleviating different issues that businesses come across and ensuring the venture can boost their level of efficiency and productivity, respectively.

This is through automating different workflows as well as functionalities so that different processes starting from payroll management to attendance management gets streamlined.

Knowing a little about the solution, let us understand the basic architecture of this app.

Enterprise App Architecture

When you are building an enterprise app, it is important to ensure that the architecture is in a manner that different business operations become easy to perform. Hence, it demands strict focus on the design, the integration, etc., to name a few. These will ensure that the scaling up of the venture becomes achievable.

Therefore work towards placing utmost focus on the below area:

  • Business processes standardization.
  • Decision making.
  • Collaboration when performing communication between project stakeholders.

Knowing now about the enterprise app architecture and the benefits a robust architecture provides, it is important to next understand the significant value of the app.

Reasons for the Increasing Popularity of Enterprise Apps

Keeps Track of Minute Business Operations

Enterprise apps allow in keeping track of the minutest details related to business operations. Therefore, incidents like loss, late payments, or deliveries get eliminated. Simultaneously, it becomes easy to detect any possible inefficiency which might hinder the business’s growth.

Enhances Operations = Overall Business Efficiency

Through the presence of this app, it becomes easy to enhance operations. It also becomes a cakewalk to perform different tasks such as data processing, analysis, etc.

Also, business efficiency gets transformed revolutionarily. Hence, altogether, the presence of the app is a boon in disguise for the enterprise.

Helps Employees Focus More on Revenue-Generating Activities

One of the prime advantages related to having this app built for your enterprise is automating tasks that are not of much value to the organization. In other words, these tasks being common get streamlined through the app.

Therefore, employees can focus on activities that will contribute to increasing the revenues for the organization.

Hence, altogether, it will become easy to generate more profits in the long run as different business processes would get eased for the employees.

Therefore, in a nutshell, if we have to list down the different advantages the app has for the business, they are as follows-

  • Enhances business efficiency.
  • Business flexibility is more.
  • Provides advanced insight into the business and understanding of the areas where improvement is needed.
  • Employee performance is enhanced.
  • Workplace satisfaction is more.

Steps to Follow during Enterprise App Development

Understand Goals You Plan to Achieve

Before you even embark on the journey of enterprise app development, remember to know your goals first. This means, understanding the goals your app will achieve for you, the problems it will solve and the benefits it will bring.

Once you have gotten knowledge across these aspects, you can then go ahead and enter into the app development stage.

Include these Salient Features

When you are building up the enterprise app, it is important to include features like automation so that repetitive tasks get automated and efficiency gets boosted. It is equally vital to use cloud storage so that smooth and easy data access becomes achievable.

Last, other features such as push notification, data sharing, and instant messaging are worth including as this will help the organization to remain connected and perform seamless communication with team members.

Know Different Enterprise App Types

When you are building the enterprise app, you must know the three categories into which the enterprise app is divided.

  1. Employee Level Apps
  2. Department Level Apps
  3. Enterprise Level Apps

Let us understand each of these apps in the lines below:

Employee Level App

This is to manage communication and workflow between employees and managers. This also allows both of these segments to get real-time updates on the project status.

Take, for instance, the Slack app that makes communication a seamless process between employees. Especially due to possessing multiple integrations within, it is the go-to tool for boosting productivity.

Department Level Apps

These apps are designed for departments. Say for instance, for marketing or sales, etc. the app helps the managers there to perform two main tasks-

  • Monitor productivity
  • Manage the department

Enterprise Level App

Last in the category of enterprise app types comes the enterprise-level app. With the aid of these apps, different departments can get connected in one single place. Hence, on the whole, the process of work distribution and work automation gets simplified.

With ideas across these different app types, it is next vital to know the tech stacks whose inclusion will make the app robust and fully functional.

Have an Idea of Tech Stack for Easing Enterprise App Operations

When we talk about enterprise app development, it is important to understand that the process demands the use of miscellaneous software tools, and APIs so that the solution works robustly without facing any form of discrepancies.

Hence, make sure to include these tech stacks-

  • For Back-End – Node, Java, .NET
  • For Front-End – Angular, Vue, React
  • For Database – MongoDB, SQL Server, Postgre SQL
  • For Testing – Apache Jmeter, Selenium, Postman
  • For Cloud – Amazon Web Services, Kubernetes, Azure

Knowledge of the tech stacks and including them when you build the solution will ascertain the app keeps data secure and functions robustly so that employee productivity remains boosted.

Last, you must know the cost you have to keep aside for this task.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an Enterprise App?

In extremely straightforward terms, if we have to estimate the cost to develop an enterprise app, well the average budget would be around $270,000. This is as per a survey that was conducted by Kinvey.

Based however on the basis of the multiple functionalities you include, you can be sure the price will automatically go up. In fact, it will go over $500,000. Hence, based on the business requirements you have, you can estimate the overall cost and the finances you would have to allocate for this task.

Wrapping Up

Enterprise apps are for the sole purpose- optimize internal business processes, eliminating paperwork, and ensuring client engagement is enhanced. This will boost revenues exponentially. However, to achieve these aspects- know the tech stack whose inclusion will make the app robust. It follows next by knowing features that would stimulate productivity. Finally, have an idea of the cost for development so that you do not spend much when you embark on the enterprise app development journey.

Anita Shah

I am a project coordinator at XongoLab Technologies, a reputed mobile app development company. I love to write informative articles and share my knowledge through content marketing.

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