How would you deal with commercial asbestos company?
commercial asbestos company
An asbestos project is indeed complex and difficult. Even a slight exposure to the fine asbestos fibres can lead to major health problems. Asbestos exposure is known to cause mesothelioma, rare lung cancer, and asbestosis. Today asbestos is still used to manufacture roofing products, automotive brake pads, and fireproof clothing in the USA because of its unique properties.
A commercial place is where one attends to his/her office or carries out some professional work. People consider their office as their second home because we mostly spend our entire day in our office only. Even that place that is considered a second home for a person has to be deemed fit for a person to be spending so many hours every day. That is why every commercial place has to be free of any traces of asbestos. So, commercial asbestos is absolutely a big no, just like residential asbestos.
Buildings around the world that were constructed before the 1980s were deemed unfit because of the rampant usage of asbestos. That is why even commercial buildings have to be protected from the substance and made asbestos-free.
Why Has Asbestos Been Used In Construction Sites?
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is found on the Earth’s surface. It was once upon a time extensively mined by the Americans for their construction sites. But gradually with the advancement in technology & development and scientific research, the dangers of the mineral have been exposed. Since then, its usage has been banned all over the world. Even commercial asbestosis is considered a harmful and toxic element that can affect the human body.
But previously asbestos was used in construction sites because of its great effectiveness in mechanical and heat resistance. Thus, commercial asbestos became very popular as an effective construction material. But with the discovery of its perils its usage was consequently discouraged globally. It was mainly preferred because it could be used as an insulation and flooring material. But, it can contaminate the air to a great extent and it can lead to serious health issues including cancer.
Where Can You Possibly Find Asbestos In The Commercial Sectors?
Asbestos, specifically commercial asbestos can possibly be found anywhere in a commercial building. It was also used because it was durable and resistant to fire. So if you are working in any of those old commercial buildings you can expect asbestos to be found in:
- Hot water tanks
- Floors
- Water pipes
- Lift ropes
- Walls
- Roofs
- Ceilings
- Insulation
You may also find commercial asbestos in corrugated cement sheets, lining panels or boards, sprayed coating, service gaskets, and insulation in the internal construction of the building.
These are the possible places where you might find commercial asbestos. If you find asbestos in your commercial property then you must contact the concerned authorities and they will know exactly how to get rid of the harmful substance.
Usage Of Asbestos In Commercial Places
As asbestos is considered one of the most dangerous substances used in construction sites, commercial asbestos should be regulated and its usage monitored and controlled. Some countries require that commercial building owner to maintain an asbestos register for commercial buildings. In that register, certain things must be mentioned, such as
- The place of asbestos usage
- The type of asbestos used
- The condition of the asbestos
The commercial asbestos register must be made readily available for anyone at risk of exposure to the substance. It has to be regularly maintained and kept up-to-date and every management authority must have access to it.
To make a commercial place safe from commercial asbestos, the management of the building in concern should have strategies in mind. They should place the asbestos register in such a place that it can be easily accessed. Every place in the commercial building where there is asbestos has to be properly labelled and signed. They should be ready to deal with any emergency with all adequate control measures and strategies in place.